The night was warm, too warm. I slept great but was sweating by morning. When it was finally time to start hiking in the morning I was ready. The cool morning was more welcoming than my hot sleeping bag. I quickly packed up, but Buddha was still slow to pack. So, I made some coffee. When I make it, I pour it into a wide mouth bottle to sip on the go throughout the morning. The day threatened rain and it would no doubt come at some time. I stowed my rain gear on the outside of my pack, ready for the time it came to use it. But, it held out for 8 of the 10 miles. It was a fast morning, and I was quickly at his car…waiting. The scenery and wildlife even in the threatening clouds of a storm were great. I saw birds, a raccoon, more waterfalls and gently flowing Brooks. Then we arrived at the Ozone Trailhead.
The weather was going to be all over the place the next few days, so I decided to accept the ride all the way into Walmart to supplement my food and try to put together something to have further down the trail as well. I bought the bare essentials and a bucket with a lid to have Buddha cache a few items 120 miles down the trail and take out any need for having another resupply. But, with how the weather was starting to look in the forecasts, it could go any direction. I got dropped back at the trail and continued quickly. I wanted to log some miles before the real rain started. It was due to begin sometime during the night, but it held out until I was ready to camp.
I made it to Highway 123 and continued down the road to Haw Creek Falls Campground. But, the road closes for high water, and continually has water flowing over the top of it. I wanted to preserve my dry shoes, so I took my shoes and socks off to slowly walk across the flooded asphalt. I slipped them back on and walked into the campground, ready to camp with a picnic table nearby. I considered trying to use the shelter of the outhouse, but it wasn’t raining much, that would quickly change throughout the night.

Ozark Highlands Trail
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