Buying gifts for runners, backpackers, and thru-hikers can be difficult. Outdoorsy people are often much less materialistic and difficult to shop for. they spend their time getting rid of more than they collect. But, a few items are quite popular across the board for outdoor adventurers. Overall, usefulness means more than anything. But, no matter what you choose, a consumable or wearable goes a long way with a trail runner, thru-hiker, or backpacker.
A Sweatshirt, Hoodie, hiking shirt, or Fleece
Melanzanas, Appalachian Gear Company, and a number of other brand sweatshirts and fleeces have exploded onto the scene. Usually, between $100 and $200, these options are the best on the list if they fit your budget. Thru-hikers and backpackers can be seen in microgrid fleeces and hoodies year around, especially when they are not on the trails. If you are looking at a hoodie as a gift, consider buying from one of the smaller cottage brands in the industry. Garage Grown Gear has a great selection of smaller backpacking brands.
Instant coffee is no longer confined to Starbucks Via or instant Folders packets. Boutique and small-batch instant options have arisen—ranging from Alpine Start to Kuju Coffee. The experience is now more than simply sipping on caffeine. The flavors are full, and several single-origin options are now on the market. The nice thing about getting the outdoors person instant coffee is you can pick the number of packets that fit your budget.
Backpackers, runners, thru-hikers, and all outdoor space users go through shoes at an alarming rate. And they are not cheap. Even one pair as a gift can go a long way… But if you aren’t sold, look at your friends backpacking shoes and they will likely be full of holes. The shoe market is vast and differs from shoe to shoe, so it is best to get the gift receiver the same thing they already use.
Books are a great way for adventurers to relive their stories. Especially thru-hikers that just finished an epic adventure and are working through the issues of post-trail depression. There are a number of amazing stories and memoirs out there ranging from inspirational to comedic and everywhere in between.

Who doesn’t love the feel of a brand-new pair of socks? It is a simple yet satisfying gift for any outdoorsy person. But the key is to go with a quality pair, finding something beyond the bargain rack at a high-volume retailer. Hikers, backpackers, and runners go through many pairs of socks, and there is just something special about putting on a new pair!
Sunglasses become expendable when spending sizeable chunks of time on trails. The lenses quickly get scratched, and the arms are susceptible to breaking frequently. Also, sunglasses are great on and off the trails and throughout all seasons (especially in the winter).
Leave No Trace is one of the most important things to consider on long hikes and backpacking trips. So, make it easier for the special people in your life by aiding in the ease of their daily business. In reality, this tool is so light, works very well, and should be carried by all backpackers.
A headlamp is one of the most useful tools for on the trail and off the trail. Whether it is getting the mail, walking the dog, or night hiking a good headlamp is worth its weight in gold. A rechargeable one is nice because it makes less things to deal with i.e. batteries.

While simple, a chair at the end of a long hike or backpacking trip feels like heaven. Simply keeping one in the back of the car will come in handy much more often than you expect. I even keep 2.
Winter gloves are a lot like headlamps. It is always good to have a trustworthy one around. This list includes more premium options, because the holidays are typically cold, but even a nice pair of running gloves would make a great gift for the hikers, backpackers, trail runners, and outdoorsy people in your life.