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Day 93 – Sullivan Lake

The last few days have been rough, really rough. I have been digging more cat holes per day than any person should, my appetite and energy have disappeared, and the temperatures have been hitting triple digits on long road walks. But, today while walking on asphalt I smiled to myself. Things were not great, but improving. I smiled at what was ahead and how lucky I am for this opportunity and experience. My symptoms are largely gone, but I have no energy. Miles are still slow and grueling, but the ability to hike overshadows it all. I left Metaline Falls after the post office opened at 1030 and walked miles of hot roads to Sullivan lake. That’s where I needed a break and a chance to back into enjoying nature. I left the trail and walked to the Day use area of the lake. I swam and talked to countless people in the area. Free beer and great conversation came my way. It was many hours before I left. I don’t do these hikes just to hike. It’s more to see different places and meet new people. Today was an amazing experience in meeting all types of intelligent eastern Washington and Idaho folks. I camped on the banks of lake Sullivan along a remote trail that is my route.

Miles 15

Total miles 2995

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