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Day 57 – Mt Ashland

My first night in Oregon was fine, but I did not sleep great. I woke up with the Monday morning feeling and my body was sluggish. I just had to walk it out. With the constant fear of running out of food in this section, I came up with a plan. It was 18 miles to Callahan’s lodge, where I could get a meal or two and pack up the leftovers. But the miles there were not uneventful. Coming around a corner I saw a strange man dressed in a shawl, skirt under what I can only describe as a cloak. It was as if he were a traveler from the Middle Ages. Then an older man came around the corner on a long jog and he immediately associated us together. We could not have looked more incompatible but it made me laugh. Up and over Mt Ashland, and then the drop to Interstate 5, where I made the short detour to the lodge and ordered two meals. One for the moment and one to pack out. Then it was off into the heat of the day. One day hiker said it was in the 90s and I was dying. Water was scarce and I was sweating profusely. Luckily the trail was largely flat with just a few ups and downs around Hobart Bluff and Pilot Butte. After another long day I camped near Hyatt Lake, ready for a shorter day and some rest tomorrow.

Miles 43

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