Today I met three very different people. The first of these encounter was near the end of the day as I was making the final push towards the New York/Connecticut border. There were two very nice ladies who wanted to hear all about my hike and then offered to take me in to town and buy me dinner and bring me back to the trail. They were very generous and brave to be seen with a rugged and smelly hiker. The second encounter was with the state park ranger as I walked down the gravel road to the ladies car to go grab dinner. She told me I could only camp in the designated spots. Since I named them in our conversation I figured I was ok with getting back on the trail. She was rough around the edges but alright overall. After a wonderful dinner I returned to the road back to the trail and immediately had a spotlight on me. It was the ranger and through an unfortunate exchange I was told I was not aloud to walk the half mile down the road back to the trail and told to walk 2 busy roads back south and walk 3 miles over again. I was not pleased but apparently rules are rules. I made the walk and way to late to be hiking I arrived at Telephone Pioneer shelter. This is when the third person of my post comes into play. I showed up very late and noticed another person at the shelter and we very quiet unpacking to sleep there. It turned out in the shelter was one of the only other people attempting what I am this year and we ended up talking until past hiker midnight and even past real midnight. We decided to start off hiking the next day together too. I could not have been more ecstatic to meet another through hiker!

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