I made it into New Jersey today. By my count this is state 8 and mile 1300. It has been quite an adventure. To arrive in this new state I crossed the Delaware river on the I-80 bridge. There is just something rewarding and satisfying about crossing a state line. It brings a new culture, towns, places and even new laws. There is quite a shift in culture as I have moved north from Georgia and nearly to New York City at this point. My day didn’t begin this morning until the post office opened at 830. This gave me time for a second shower and to make note of all the things I had put off and would need to do in the next town. Definitely not to be discounted is the fact that I was able to get a couple cups of coffee and doughnuts at the local bakery. Coffee in the morning has been one of the toughest concessions I have made out here on the trail. Doughnuts are also a welcome treat too! With my late start today I did not push too hard and was content with a day around 20 miles. It has been quite a while since I have done a bigger mileage day so I may go for it tomorrow. Another note, I was able to trim up my hair so if the day hikers can get past the beard that not even a mother could love and the unique smell and filth I look irresistible.
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