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Day 203-Crazy

CDT day 31 -Miles Hiked today: 40

CDT total distance traveled: 1070

Total trip miles: 5950

Avg temps: 70s

Injuries: Achilles tendinitis

Pain: Achilles

Exhaustion level: moderate

Favorite meal: fresh orange It is starting to occur to me just how far and for how many days I have been hiking. I started in February and have truly seen the seasons change. There thoughts occurred as I crossed the high plains and meadows on my way to the wind River mountain range of Wyoming. I am camped near Green River Lake and ready to ascend into the heart of the mountains and take a series of alternates To see as much unique terrain as possible and experience this awesome looking series of mesas and towers. Other than a dune buggy that passed me on a rugged dirt road near Lake of the Woods I had no human contact. I spoke to cows, had starring contests with dear, followed a coyote and bugled with the elk. I may have gone crazy but I think my crazy self and crazy lifestyle is going pretty good right now

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