When you are doing lots of miles every day, efficiency is the name of the game. You want to be taking full advantage of the daylight hours for hiking and trying to get everything else done during the darker hours of the day. Hampton is the next town I will be hitting and with the right luck I will get there right when the post office opens, repack my new supplies and food and then keep going. Today around 5pm I arrived at Dennis Creek Rd and decided to head to a local hostel where I could get one of my least favorite chores done in order to ease the burden of things that I have to do while in Hampton, TN. Now I should be able to get in and out of town in a couple hours and on my way north. I am 50 miles from Virginia and very ready to leave both North Carolina and Tennessee behind. Today was filled with a continual up and down at relatively low elevation. About 10 miles in I was greeted by both some real wildlife as well a Mountaineer Falls. Which is the first real waterfall of the trip. It threatened to rain all day with the gloomy looking clouds but it held off until the late evening for the most part. I am staying at Kincora Hostel which is run by Bob People’s and operates on donations only. It was a perfect place to escape the rain, get a shower and get my laundry done. Hopefully I will be out of here extremely early to make up the 8 miles to Hampton and get to the post office just as it opens.

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