There was a little bit of rain through the night, so my tent was wet. This is always a disappointing way to start the day and requires me to pack differently. I started hiking in the cold, overcast day and quickly had on all my clothes. The wind ripped through my layers and snow began to fall. It turned to hail, and it being Colorado, it was soon gone for the rest of the day. In fact within the hour it went from snowing to nearly cloudless. Miles were slower and steeper. I climbed over 12k’ to the top of Parkview Mtn only to drop down the other side. It was a constant seesaw throughout the day and was a reminder of what I am dealing with in Colorado. I saw one car when I crossed a highway, but no other people in a day full of exertion. The temperature dropped sharply at the end of the day and I suspect at 9,500’ elevation it will freeze and be a cold morning tomorrow. Luckily I grabbed a warmer sleeping bag from Big Agnes in Steamboat Springs.
Miles 35
Total miles 4773

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