I was up and moving while the frost was still forming on my tent. 36 miles to the highway and a night of rest awaited. I flew through the section, seeing very few people. The only two true hikers I actually saw hiked by me before I had even packed up. There was no wildlife to see, only a perfect day of great weather conducive to walking. It started very cold but then warmed to a comfortable temperature. I hiked out of the Teton Wilderness and around Brooks Lake where a beautiful lake sits, full of horses and rich tourists. I nearly ran the last 3 miles to the highway and stuck out my thumb. I was a bit nervous about this trip into town. There isn’t a good spot for cars to stop and most are not interested in pulling over for bearded men anyway. Somehow the fourth car stopped and I had a ride into town. In town I had new problems. I bought food for the next 170 miles through the wind river range and also food to mail ahead for the great Divide basin section. It’s a little scary to shop for 300 miles worth of food and try to mail the correct portion forward.
Miles 36
Total Miles 4259

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