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Day 227-changing weather 

CDT day 55 -Miles Hiked today: 38

CDT total distance traveled: 1923

Total trip miles: 6803

Avg temps: 50s and 60s

Injuries: hamstring Achilles

Pain: feet

Exhaustion level: moderate

Favorite meal: Aunt Vickie’s Casserole I had a great run of near perfect weather through Colorado. I believe it only rained a couple times and there were no serious issues with thunderstorms. Today it looks like things are changing. As I write this and look south I see the obscuring gray of rain filled weather moving in. I am set up to try climbing San Luis Peak standing at 14,022′ tomorrow morning but I also have a backup plan if the weather continues to deteriorate. Today was actually a pretty nice day filled with gradual ascents and descents which means I could get some good mileage in and the cool day was a perfect temperature for hiking. I am closing in on my final state of this adventure and I am very ready to be hitting some new terrain. Colorado has been quite the challenge. When going to sleep after an especially tough day I can feel the strained muscles in my legs and don’t get me started on how it feels climbing out of a tent and trying to take the first steps of the day.

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